Okay, Capital Region, you know I'm not fond of the "Northway" nickname.  Heading South on the "Northway" is just plain stupid.  I saw something at the Times Union Center that might be worse.

I was at the Times Union Center on Friday night with Brian Sinkoff.  We were watching Grave Digger and the monster trucks do their thing awaiting our 3-legged duct tape race which wound up being an epic failure.

As I was sitting there trying to figure out how the heck monster jam races even work, I looked up at the rafters of the TU Center.

Normally, you see classy things like championship banners, conference championship banners, or maybe a retired number or two.  My jaw dropped when I saw a banner with Billy Joel's name on it.


"Billy Joel.  9 Shows.  All Time Highest Box Office Sales."  Really Capital Region, really?  Billy Joel?  Do you really need a banner hanging from the rafters commemorating Billy Joel's nine shows?  Were they the most insane shows in the history of concerts?  Does this just totally spice up the place?  And shouldn't there be a hypen in between "All" and "Time"?

To me, this Billy Joel banner is right up there with the "Northway" in terms of not making complete sense.  Heading South on the "Northway" is dumb.  Banners are cool, as long as there is a good reason to make the banners.  Billy Joel, with his nine shows and box office success doesn't qualify.

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