According to doctors at Duke, a tumor found on former New York Mets Hall of Fame catcher Gary Carter's brain appears to be malignant.

The 57-year-0ld Gary Carter announced last Saturday that an MRI had revealed four small tumors on his brain.  Carter was complaining of headaches and forgetfulness prior to his diagnosis.  Gary Carter and his family received some bad news after being examined by doctors at the Brain Tumor Center at Duke.

Doctors who examined Carter released the following statement, "The preliminary results are that his tumor appears to be malignant. Once the pathology report is available, which will take several days, we will discuss treatment options with Mr. Carter and his family."

Malignancy is the tendency of a medical condition, especially tumors, to become progressively worse and to potentially result in death.  This is obviously horrible news for the highly respected and well-loved former baseball player, Gary Carter.


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