Do you ever feel for the large guy that's sitting in a seat way too small for them at the Yankees game? Or how about on a plane?

Nic Taylor
Nic Taylor

Well, the World Cup is doing something about it.

Technically, the country of Brazil is doing something. As the host of this summer's World Cup, there are Brazilian regulations that will create the World Cup to add a set a amount of wider seats in 12 of their cities.

There's an application process in which you have to provide a medical document to prove you have a body mass index of 30 or higher (for the record, I'm 6-foot-0, 205-pounds and my BMI is in the high 20's).

The craziest part? Brazilian residents who meet these requirements will also get 50% off their tickets! Obese people in Brazil are classified as 'special needs', along with senior citizens and the disabled.

Finally, it pays to be large ... Good for you?

Photo of the wide seats being installed:
Obese Soccer Fans Get Wide Seat at 2014 Soccer World Cup


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