Egg Prices At Upstate New York Stewart’s Locations Lower Than Most
There's a reason why the price of eggs is lower at Stewart's locations around New York and here's why.
Shopping for eggs has become quite an expensive errand lately. With prices around most grocery stores in New York around $6 for a dozen eggs finding a break or a sale is becoming harder and harder.
Why are the eggs so expensive? It's because bird flu is spreading rapidly and it doesn't look to be getting better any time soon. Even the incoming President, Donald Trump, said it's going to be very hard for him to get the price of eggs down now that they're up.
Read More: Why Are Eggs So Expensive in New York?
Lucky for us in the Capital Region we have a very reliable place that has an advantage when setting their egg prices. Stewart's Shops uses local farmers, which is a way for them to keep the prices a bit lower than most of our local grocery stores.
Personally, we think great prices always come first. Did you know? Stewart’s Eggs come right from a local farm, which means you can enjoy amazing quality at EGG-cellent prices!
For the last few weeks I have struggled to find eggs at a manageable cost. While it's not exactly breaking my budge it's not helping it either. My kids and I ran to Stewart's on Sunday morning to get some donuts and that's what I saw their eggs were priced lower than most. Just a little over $5 and i walked away with a dozen large eggs. Medium eggs are priced even lower if you want to get them a bit smaller.
What's the moral of this story? Shopping local can pay off, and supporting local business is always a great plan.