When you think of the phrase "Quality of Life", what exactly pops into your head, Massachusetts? A fancy car like a BMW, all the latest expensive gadgets...
If you're familiar with Massachusetts whatsoever, you know it isn't exactly the biggest piece of land. In fact, when compared to the rest of the states in the U.S., it is the 7th smallest state in the country. The state itself, covers just 10,554.39 square miles. And with that, approximately just 7,800 square miles of that is land (thanks, Atlantic Ocean). Despite that fact, we have some relatively decent sized towns and cities, land-wise. But there is a town and a city that have to take their respective titles of the smallest in the state.
If you live in New York and need help paying your heating bill this winter, you may qualify to get money from the state. The state's heating assistance program HEAP, is currently accepting applications.
Homeowners In New York State Can Now Apply For $8,000 To Replace Furnace
Certain homeowners in New York are eligible for up to $8,000 in assistance from the state to repair heating equipment...
Just days removed from the first significant snowstorm here in the Capital Region, we're now being told to brace for a "powerful multi-hazard storm" headed our way.
It has long been debated which city has the most passionate sports fans. Many cities love their respective teams, but what city has the craziest ones? The fans that are tailgating at 6AM and will sit through rain, snow, sleet, even record heat...