Yesterday was my big day to be in an NFL commercial that will be seen by millions of people. I know! So crazy. I still can't believe they picked me. I found out that I was one of only seven people selected to have a speaking role. The commercial I was cast for was as a Tampa Bay Buccaneers fan on a boat with another guy watching Tom Brady throw a winning touchdown. We were to cheer loudly and say, "stat that".
I was super excited last week when I found out that I was selected to be in an Amazon NFL commercial. When I sent my video in I thought I was trying to be cast as a Buffalo Bills Fan. I found out that was not the case. Apparently, I will be a Tampa Bay Buccaneers fan in a boat. I had the fitting yesterday and it turned into a four-hour ordeal. But it was pretty cool. After the fitting, I was able to get onto the field. It was amazing. Today we will film the commercial and I can't wait. Here's what my day was like.
It's strange how things happen. I had written a story about a casting call where they were looking for Buffalo Bills fans to be part of a national Amazon NFL commercial. I didn't really intend to enter but my future brother-in-law suggested I submit my video where I became a Bills fan. This is what I sent.