Quidditch Olympics to Take Place Before London Games
One day Quidditch may be part of the Summer Olympics. But for now the sport J.K. Rowling invented in her ‘Harry Potter‘ books will settle on holding its latest tournament in close proximity to the Games of the XXX Olympiad, which will take place in London later this month.
In fact, when the Olympic torch passed through Oxford on Monday, the first annual Quidditch Summer Games were also going on in the English city. Teams from the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, France and Australia competed in the event, which was both intended to determine worldwide Quidditch supremacy and also sell the virtues of the broom-filled sport to the International Olympic Committee. The winning squad will also be invited to the lighting of the Olympic torch during the opening ceremony on July 27th.
Although an Englishwoman invented Quidditch, students at Middlebury College in Vermont were the first to play a real-life version of the game. Since Americans have been playing Quidditch the longest, and have the biggest pool of players to chose from, they are considered the favorite in any international competition.
So in the (rather unlikely) event Quidditch does became an Olympic event, it will probably help pad the United States’ medal total. And that may not sit well over in the UK. Learn more about Quidditch and its gameplay in the video below.
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