Arrests Made in Rensselaer County Dog Shooting
On March 7th we told you about a dog that had been found dead in the town of Sand Lake. The pup was found off Stewart Lane and police say it was a gunshot that killed the dog. Since then, they've been searching for answers.
Who's dog was it?
Who shot it?
Why was it killed?
Those questions have mostly been answered. New York State Police have arrested two people in connection with the dog's death. Gretchen Eddy, 44, of Troy was the dog's owner. Also arrested was 57 year old Christopher Spencer of Averill Park.
Police say Eddy, the dog's owner, did not get the necessary veterinary care for the dog before it was killed. According to troopers, it was Spencer who shot it.
It was found in a brushy area below some power lines by somebody in the area, who then got it in touch with State Troopers. Police were pretty confident the dog belonged to somebody, It was a male German Short Haired Pointer that was neutered. They also reported the dog had a large cyst on its left front paw, probably requiring medical attention before it was killed.
Both Eddy and Spencer are facing charges. Eddy was charged with Torturing or Injuring Animals/Failure to Provide Sustenance, a misdemeanor. Spencer is facing a felony charge of Aggraveated Cruelty to Animals since he is the one who shot the dog. Each of them were given appearance tickets and are due back in court to face charges next week.
[News 10]