There is a new law that is immediately in affect here in New York State and you need to make sure that you are getting your money back.

The new law is making it easier to cancel your gym membership and get your money back. In addition, you can now cancel you membership and get your entire refund if you cancel within 3 days.

We belonged to a gym that was over-charging us by an extreme amount. Now, you don't really know how much you are "over paying" unless you talk to someone else at the gym, see other gym prices or see a promotion and how low the prices can actually get. We had 2 people in our household going to the gym and we both tried to cancel and they said that we were going to have to be paying a cancellation fee. Now, some of the laws in New York State have changed immediately.

According to the New York State law:

Every contract for services shall provide that such contract may be
cancelled within three business days after the date of receipt by the
buyer of a copy of the written contract. Notice of cancellation shall be
delivered by [certified or registered] United States mail OR ELECTRONIC
MAIL at the address OR E-MAIL ADDRESS specified in the contract. Such
contract shall contain the following written notice in at least [ten]

You might be surprised by how much the average cost of a gym membership is in New York State.

The average cost of a monthly gym membership in New York State in 2021 stood at 75.32 U.S. dollars, making it the most expensive state for gym memberships in the United States", according to

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