
Chicago Bears Coach Humps The Air In Celebration [VIDEO]
Chicago Bears Coach Humps The Air In Celebration [VIDEO]
Chicago Bears Coach Humps The Air In Celebration [VIDEO]
The “air-hump” is a move as old as time. Rumor has it Julius Caesar invented the move after a successful conquest of Gaul, although that hasn't been confirmed. That said, there is a thin line between a tasteful air-hump and a creepy one. In the case of Rusty Jones, Bears strength coach, it’s creepy.
NFL Players Rip Cutler
NFL Players Rip Cutler
NFL Players Rip Cutler
In the 3rd Quarter of yesterday’s NFC Championship game, Bears’ QB Jay Cutler left the game with an apparent knee injury.  Current and former NFL players came out of the woodwork to rip Cutler in the classiest way they know how, Twitter.