
Schenectady Gas Tax Cap May Actually Harm the County. Here’s Why.
Schenectady Gas Tax Cap May Actually Harm the County. Here’s Why.
Schenectady Gas Tax Cap May Actually Harm the County. Here’s Why.
This week, Schenectady County became the first in the Capital Region to opt in on a sales tax cap on gasoline. Passed unanimously, the vote is being praised as politicians protecting the people and fighting for the working class. In reality, it’s a terrible move.
Gas Boycotts — Unrealistic and Can Make Things Worse
Gas Boycotts — Unrealistic and Can Make Things Worse
Gas Boycotts — Unrealistic and Can Make Things Worse
Every time there is an increase in the cost of gasoline my inbox and Facebook become flooded with people inviting me to boycott buying gas on a certain day. Most people do this based on an emotional reaction and rarely think if it’ll actually have an impact, let alone a negative one.