jimmy fallon

Jimmy Fallon Does More NHL Superlatives [VIDEO]
Jimmy Fallon Does More NHL Superlatives [VIDEO]
Jimmy Fallon Does More NHL Superlatives [VIDEO]
Jimmy Fallon is clearly a sports fan. From "Mean Tweets" to "Superlatives" he brings humor to the world of sports. During the NHL playoffs Jimmy does "NHL Superlatives", you remember these from high school where you're voted some stupid thing like most likely to work in sports talk radio...
Jimmy Fallon And Lorne Michaels At Last Night’s Yankee Game [VIDEO]
Jimmy Fallon And Lorne Michaels At Last Night’s Yankee Game [VIDEO]
Jimmy Fallon And Lorne Michaels At Last Night’s Yankee Game [VIDEO]
Even though it was barely 40 degrees at last night's Yankee game some Saturday Night Live legends were in attendance and were sitting front and center. right behind home plate last night sat SNL creator Lorne Michaels and former cast member/ Tonight Show host jimmy Fallon...
Kobe Bryant And Jimmy Fallon Go On Beer Run In 1996 [VIDEO]
Kobe Bryant And Jimmy Fallon Go On Beer Run In 1996 [VIDEO]
Kobe Bryant And Jimmy Fallon Go On Beer Run In 1996 [VIDEO]
This week Kobe Bryant was on the Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon and the two reminisced about when they first met WAY back in 1996 at a party. Fallon and Bryant were both new to LA. They meet at a party and end up going on a beer run together...
Robinson Cano Skit on the Tonight Show
Robinson Cano Skit on the Tonight Show
Robinson Cano Skit on the Tonight Show
Ah, Robinson Cano returns to New York tonight. I'm going to write a full article in this right after I'm done with this one, but this is something you need to see right away. Cano appeared on last night's Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon in preparation for his return...
Derek Jeter Goes On Late Night With Jimmy Fallon
Derek Jeter Goes On Late Night With Jimmy Fallon
Derek Jeter Goes On Late Night With Jimmy Fallon
Derek Jeter went on "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon" and joked about a few things and had some new baseball songs introduced for him.  For the most part, DJ was calm and funny in a low key way.  Fallon acted like a tool as always.  Did you miss it...
Fallon Does Sheen
Fallon Does Sheen
Fallon Does Sheen
Charlie Sheen has parlayed his drunken mess of a life into some added fame outside of the world of evening sit-coms. Jimmy Fallon did a spoof of Sheen, check it out!