Upstate Woman Makes Bizarre Discovery in a State Park – What is It?
At first glance, it's a bit tough to determine what may be hanging from a tree inside a State Park in Upstate New York. It looks like something from a horror movie or perhaps even a sick prank, but when you take a closer look it becomes pretty obvious. What is it?
So why are there animal carcasses hanging from a tree in Upstate, NY?
Julie Dowd, a photographer with RedFin Studios told us the pictures were taken over the weekend while she was visiting Moreau Lake State Park in Saratoga County, about an hour north of Albany.
When she posted the pictures on Facebook, she wrote, "Odd sighting with a great explanation. From far away, this looked like a large hive, but zooming in, I saw that it was obviously skeletal remains. Someone at Moreau Lake State Park quickly answered my query."

The explanation they gave to Dowd was that most likely, the carcass was hung in the tree so that eagles could find them quickly - and it appears as though they did. "It is more than likely a deer skeleton," they told Dowd. "The town places deer carcasses from road incidents over on the islands for the Eagles."
Take a closer look at the skeletons below, the carcasses completely picked clean by a hungry Bald Eagle.