Buster Olney Thinks The Yankees Are In Trouble [AUDIO]
The New York Yankees were billed as the team of 2018 coming into this season but something crazy happened. The Baby Bombers got off to a great start right here in 2017. So fan's hopes went from "Who Knows?" and "Anything can happen" to "THIS IS OUR YEAR!" There have been many ups and downs since then but the Yankees are still on top of the Wild Card and after a big win last night they are four and a half back in the AL East. So we ask Buster Olney just a day after the Indians swept the Yankees "Do they still have a chance?"
Buster decided to take that opportunity to kick me while I was down and pick on me. It's all good because that's what all my friends do. Buster will be on hand when the Yankees host the Red Sox Sunday night. Let's hope the Yankees shock Buster and finish off a sweep right in front of him!