Imagine having money to burn-so much so that you could rip through a million in 1 weekend. NFL dirtbag Pacman Jones can and did at least that's what he told a group of NFL rookies during his speech on life in the NFL last week.

Jones, the poster boy for being a tool and a waste for some reason was selected as a spokesperson at the rookie symposium. Selected by NFL dictator Roger Goodell. I guess on 1 hand why not bring in a loser to explain about bad choices to rookies. On the other hand why bring him in instead of someone who can use the time to explain to rookies how to manage their money and fame.

Now if I had the chance to blow 7 figures in a weekend it would have to be in Vegas. Not sure I would toss that cheese away in a topless joint. I mean if it takes a million to get a slice well that speaks for itself.

I would buy a piece of property here in the Albany area with some of the dough. I mean anyone can rip through a mill fast but can you do it smartly?

I could see myself investing some of that money in the Tri-City Valley Cats, which is an A ball team that plays here locally. This is a good investment. The team draws well, the fans have fun, and they are winning games. 11 straight at last count. Tri City is the A ball team of the Houston Astros.

Oh i would have my fun as well..Plenty of it. Treat all my pals to a big weekend of golf and good times. Give much of it to charity for sure. My family would be recipients of my good fortune.

I wonder if Pacman, who by the way doesn't want to be called Pacman anymore as he tries to change his image. I am sure he 'invested" much in lap dances so he was helping out the economy. Hey those hotties need to make some cash. I wonder if Pacster has money left over for that huge lawsuit he was hit with by the fella that became paralyzed after a gun fight at the topless club started by Pacmans posse. I bet  Pacster wishes he had some of that coin left now!

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