How to Prepare for Hurricane Sandy
As we well know from Irene, a hurricane (or it’s remnants) can be a very damaging and dangerous weather situation. We’ve been through this recently and as a community learned plenty of lessons. Here are some tips for being prepared for Sandy as she approaches the Albany area.
Supplies You Need:
You should have a few days of supplies on hand at the very least but a week of supplies may be a better option as widespread power outages are a possibility. Your supply list should include:
- Non-perishable food items in cans and boxes
- Bottled Water
- Extra Batteries
- Radio
- Flashlight
- Prescriptions
- Stocked First Aid Kit
- Cash (ATMs don’t work without power!)
- Clean Clothing
- Toiletries
- Tarps
- Download radioPup
Ahead of the storm hitting you should do the following:
- Go to the store for supplies
- Charge your phones and mobile devices
- Put away all lawn furniture and other items in the yard that could become airborne
- Gas up your vehicle to at least 1/2 tank
- Check your insurance coverage to make sure you are covered for wind, flooding, or other possible disasters related to Sandy.
- get important documents put into a portable safe and keep it near the door in the event you have to evacuate
Make sure your pets are taken care of too - many shelters do not accept pets, so ahead of the storm you should find someone to take your animals for a few days.
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