Is Betting On A Spelling Bee Going Too Far?
Anyone that listens to the show or reads my blogs can clearly tell I enjoy wagering. Over the last five or so years of doing Sports Talk I've made friends with many people in the gambling industry. Because of those relationships they send me odds whenever they are available mostly for the show but also in case I want to wager. Is betting on the 92nd Annual National Spelling Bee going too far?
I firmly believe wagering should be legal and it's a fun way to amp up my personal interest in sporting events. I have to wonder if getting odds on the Spelling Bee and actually considering placing a bet is just too far? On one hand these kinds train hard and are performing at the highest level. On the other hand It just seems too far lol.
The fact that BetOnline.AG made these odds means someone asked for them.
92nd National Spelling Bee
Number of Letters in the Winning Word?
Over/Under 9½ words
Male or Female Winner?
Male -130
Female -110
Will Winner Wear Glasses?
Yes -140
No +100
Will Winner Have Braces?
Yes +200
No -300
Will There be Co-Champions?
Yes +250
No -400
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