New York Woman Travels To Pakistan To Meet Online Lover Only To be Ghosted
Onijah Robinson has one of the most bizarre love stories you'll ever hear. After flying across the world, the man she thought she was meeting left her high and dry. Now she's stranded in a foreign country with no money.
Growing up in the 70s, 80s, and 90s they always told you to be careful when you're talking to strangers. Now in 2025 it is even easier to meet and talk with strangers online through various social media platforms. That also extends to online dating. You can meet someone online that lives nowhere near you. That's exactly what happened to Onijah Robinson.
Robinson met a 19-year-old man from Pakistan online and traveled all the way to his country from New York back in October. The intention was the two of them were to be married. Robinson, more than a decade older than him, was shocked when he said they couldn't be married once she got there. He claimed his family was opposed.
That left Robinson in a very odd spot. Her visa was going to expire, and she was out of money with no way to get back home.
Things only got weirder during this bizarre saga. Robinson wandered around the city of Karachi in Pakistan for months with no money and nowhere to go. Multiple videos on social media stated that she was offered plane tickets back to the US, but it wasn't good enough. Then came a very weird press conference Robinson help herself in the city.
In that press conference she made some demands.
I’m asking for 100K or more. I need 20K by this week, in my pockets, in cash. That’s a demand to the government.
She was demanding that the government in Pakistan pay her this money. She said she wanted to use it to help fix buildings around the city.
As it turns out, Robinson is not mentally well. BET reports that her son spoke to the media in Pakistan and said she is bipolar and that the alleged marriage was never going to happen. They also report that she is on her way back to US, but nothing can confirm that nor who helped her get on a plane back.
What a wild ride.