Want the best odds of seeing a ghost or UFO? Visit one of these cities in the state of New York, including 2 in the Capital Region!

Maybe it is the advent of the smartphone and everyone having a video recorder in their pocket to document unusual occurrences. Or maybe we are all just becoming more comfortable with the fact we are not alone, thus having more conversations about the unknown.

Either way, the documentation of UFO and ghost sightings has certainly become more consistent over the years, and let's be honest, more believable with that mobile phone video evidence. As it turns out, two Capital Region towns are among the top 10 in the state with the best odds of seeing one of these supernatural sightings, according to Great Lakes Stakes. 

News 10 even dug in a little deeper on this report talking with some local experts who basically say our proximity to channels of water and our open-mindedness to the supernatural make these two local cities on this list prime candidates for documented cases of things we can't explain!

See The 10 New York Cities Most Likely To Have Ghost Or UFO Sightings

Over the last few years, the discussion of UFOs certainly become a less taboo and more mainstream topic. Even government officials seem to be acknowledging sightings more frequently. Throw in ghost sightings, and there is just a lot of crazy stuff we just cannot explain. It turns out, the state of New York is a hotbed for these "supernatural" sightings. Since these sightings have been recorded, these are the 10 New York cities with the most supernatural occurrences according to Great Lakes Stakes. Including 2 in the Capital Region!

6 of the Most Recent UFO Sightings in Upstate New York




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