Oh the told you so's and back seat drivers will be harping about this for a looong time. Hanley Ramirez of the LA Dodgers is out for up to 8 weeks with an injured thumb, hurt in the championship game of the WBC. Here come the told you so Johnny's!

Added to Ramirez's injury there is the wrist injury to Yankee 1st baseman Mark Teixeira and the rib injury to Mets 3rd baseman David Wright. So the carping begins again, that major league players shouldn't participate in this tournament. I say nonsense!

1st off neither Wright or Teixeira were hurt in the context of playing in the tourney. The Yankee slugger would have suffered the same wrist injury as it occurred in the batting cage hitting off a Tee. Wright pulled a muscle. Could have happened at Port St Lucie with the Mets just as easy. Ramirez's injury directly took place in the WBC title game Tuesday night in the Dominican Republic's win over Puerto Rico.

Ramirez gave in my view the proper answer when asked about the risk of playing in the WBC when he was asked about missing time with his big league team the Dodgers. He said " It could have happened anywhere. it could have happened here ( In reference to spring training)."

Ramirez is exactly correct. Playing in the WBC is an honor. The saddest thing is we as Americans don't take international competitions as seriously as other countries. That win for the DR is bigger then what most of the players will accomplish the rest of their careers. Look at the faces of their fans in those countries after winning and it is priceless. Worry about injury is a waste of time in my view.  Coddling can't save everyone from a boo boo or injury.

You think David Wright would take back his playing time and enjoyment in the WBC because of a rib pull? No chance. he has even spoken to that effect. the Mets benefit because of Wright's success and can market that if they were smart ( they aren't). the nickname  Captain America given to Wright is a medal and to be proud of and celebrated. Playing for your country is never a bad thing to do. Worry about injury and getting hurt and whining about it is the sad part to come out of this story


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