Rotterdam Man Unearths Mantis That Looks Just Like the Alien in ‘Predator’
Angelo Santabarbara posted a video on his Facebook page recently of what appears to be a dead insect that might give you nightmares if you watch it posted below.
It looks eerily like The Predator from the 80's Arnold Schwarzenegger movie. You remember that heinous thing don't you? The one where Arnold's character literally looks at it and says, "You're one ugly muther*****!!"
I love wildlife but don’t like insects at all. I try to be respectful of them because most do serve a purpose, but they don't really interest me to learn about, and if they’re featured on any documentary I probably won’t watch it.
And it's worth noting that I’d rather come face to face with a grizzly bear than a cockroach any day of the week.
One time, when I was much younger, I saw a silverfish (those hairy millipede-looking a**holes) and I almost died of a heart attack on the spot.
I trapped him but didn’t know what to do, so in full panic mode grabbed some Gorilla Glue and squirted it. Yes. Gorilla Glue
The hairy, million-legged centipede died a short time later but it was stuck to my bathroom sink. I would have burned the whole bathroom down but the porcelain saved me.

The reason why this is important is that if I ever walked in my backyard and saw this alien-looking Chinese praying mantis I would have put my house up for sale on the spot.
I would have been sticking the “for-sale” sign in the ground at the exact moment the predator made eye contact with me.
And I would have sold the house to the higher bidder or the loudest. Basically, just yell to me a price and it’s yours
I don’t know how this man survived this encounter with the alien, but it appears as though the alien didn’t survive either.
It’s a good thing I don’t have a house (I own a small condo in downtown Albany) because I don’t want a backyard where face-eating predators can eat my face.
Anyway, here's the video: