Saratoga Resident Dies After Contracting Tick-Borne Illness
Earlier this year there was a report that we could be in for a dangerous Summer when it comes to Ticks in Upstate New York. Based on what I learned from and the CDC I posted an article about the Powassan Virus effecting us locally. reports a Saratoga resident has died after contracting the Powassan virus.
"The Department of Health says it will be reporting the case to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Friday.
Officials say they are not allowed to give any patient specific information such as the age or the identity of the person who died.
The virus is spread through infected ticks."
According to the Powassan Virus was not always a concern because the primary tick that carries it is not known to bite humans. That has all changed and now humans especially in the Northeast or at risk. Powassan causes inflammation of the brain and can lead to death or permanent disability in up to 60 percent of cases. Here’s the kicker, there’s no real treatment. Doctors can only provide “supportive care” until your own body fights it off.
From 2006 to 2015, 16 of the total 75 severe cases were reported in New York by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The Powassan virus attacks the part of the brain that keeps you awake, keep your heart rate steady and your breathing drive going,” Symptoms of Powassan virus include fever, headache, loss of coordination, trouble speaking, and even seizures.
The list of cases through 2015, per the CDC include: Maine (2); Massachussetts (8), Minnesota (20), New Hampshire (1), New Jersey (3), New York (16), Pennsylvania (1), Virginia (1) and Wisconsin (16).
For more information go to the CDC website. CLICK HERE are some tips to “Stop Ticks.”