In a quirky two-game series in Los Angeles, the Yanks lost game one 3-2 thanks to a Mark Ellis walk-off hit off Shawn Kelley in the 9th inning, scoring Andre Either.
Yankee bats scored three runs in 29 2/3 innings heading into Wednesday night. That changed against the Royals in game three of a four-game set in the Bronx.
Mark Teixeira continues to hit in simulated games but not active batting practice and hopes to be back by very late May. The question is, Is he really going to help the Yankees? Let's take a look at The Teixeira Factor, how he will help and hurt the Yanks at the same time by returning from injury (partially torn tendon sheath in his right wrist).
The demise of the Yankees was written at least a dozen times from February 1 until now. The injuries, oh the injuries. But baseball people must not have been baseball people through and through because they forgot that CC Sabathia and Robinson Cano and Mariano Rivera were still around and the bullpen was in tact. And the division actually wasn't that good if you know how baseball teams win in 2
Talk all day long about the 2013 replacement players in pinstripes. Talk about general manager Brian Cashman taking chances. Talk about the starting pitching being good enough in spots. Talk about whatever you'd like as the main reason for the Yankees' demise not quite happening just yet like some thought. The real talk is the leadership and presence of Mariano Rivera, Derek Jeter and Andy Pet