What NBA Players Should Be The Monstars In Space Jam 2?
When the original Space Jam movie starring Michael Jordan came out it was awesome because it took advantage of the real world drama of Jordan not being in the NBA. Not to mention the most popular stars of the NBA losing their basketball skills to the invading aliens. Great cameos and a fun story line with the Looney Toons and Jordan saving the world.
So I have two major questions. The first is what will be the story line that allows Lebron James the current best basketball player in the world to be spared by the Monstars and the second who will the Monstars be based on? I have no idea for how but here's who I hope is the who. Kevin Durant is a legit villain in the NBA and Demarcus Cousins would be a great bruiser. I could legit make the argument that the Golden State Warriors as a whole should be the Monstars. If they agree to it that's where I would go. If not James Harden's beard makes him a fun option. Anthony Davis and his uni-brow puts him on the list. Giannis Antetokoumpo could basically be a plastic man out there. All that being said I totally think Kevin Durant, Steph Curry, Demarcus Cousins, Draymond Green and Klay Thompson are the way to go.