This will truly go down as 1 of the saddest stories in Sports. The great Joe Paterno has passed away at the age of 85. A man without a team even though Penn State is Joe Pa and will always be. Sadly Joe will be remember by many for what he didn't do rather then what he did do and that folks is very very sad.

For many Joe Paterno will be remembered for how he botched the Jerry Sandusky  situation and I get that. If Joe had done more to expose Sandusky would some kids not have been abused by the EVIL Sandusky? How many? 1 is too many let me be clear. Joe spoke to the Washington Post before his death and claimed he didn't know what to do about the situation and that he couldn't comprehend a man molesting boys. Sad this will be his final words to the public.

Again though let's remember all the great things Joe Pa did for thousands of young men and for so many charities. Joe's football accomplishments are legendary. All the wins. The titles. Helped build College Football into what it is today. Ran a clean program despite cheating being the easy out. No major scandals. Players graduated. Boys entrusted to his care and coaching became men. I could go on and on and on about Joe's great career. 409 wins. 2 national titles. 37 bowl appearences. On and On.

I am very sad that some will forget all the great things he has done for not only thousands of kids and families, for college athletics and most importantly for humanity. Joe Paterno is and was a GREAT AMERICAN ICON despite his turning the other cheek in the Sandusky mess and not doing enough. Why he did this we will never know it appears. What I do know is to me Joe Pa will always be a hero and a great man, a flawed man for sure as we all are but a man of integrity and honor and sportsmanship. How many young people had their lives enriched by Joe Pa. His influence is enormous and he was a great man and coach. Never forget that as Joe died a man without a team

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