Capital Region COVID Shutdown Shopping List
I'm hoping that the recent climb in COVID-19 cases in the Capital Region will plateau and then fall but with the Thanksgiving holiday rapidly approaching chances are we might be headed for another shutdown. The plus side of what I'm putting on this list is even if we don't shut down you'll just be able to skip picking these items up next week. Most importantly, remember the other people out there and don't hoard. We can all get through this together.
Toilet paper will always be on any list like this but there's no need to buy far more than you need. An additional package or two will be plenty. Let's be honest you probably still haven't used what you bought in March.
Cold medicines and Tissues. Again no need to overdo it here but it is cold and flu season so even if you do not contract COVID-19 a run of the mill cold is still possible
Disinfecting wipes are something I never really used before the pandemic but now they're a must. I was always a paper towel or sponge and spray cleaner guy but wipes are super easy and effective.
Hand soap is a must. Just like everything else on this list no need to go overboard and grab every bottle of liquid soap but have a little extra ready.
I just ordered a Temporal Thermometor. I have always had the regular under the tongue version but having the temporal version is key for larger households.
The following items are things I recommend always having on hand during the winter in the Captial Region.
Non-perishables and Canned goods. Large storms and power outages are always possible and borderline likely here in the 518 so it's always smart to have an additional three to five days of food on hand.
Bottled Water. AGAIN no need to hoard enough water to survive the zombie apocalypse but a few cases or extra gallons are smart to have set aside.
At least one FULL Propane tank is a must! If the power goes out your gas grill you put away for the winter will be a hero and propane heaters are clutch if electric heat is offline.
First aid kits should always be on hand but since I'm making this list I'll remind you to check yours and make sure you have what you need.
Finally, for me, I need to make sure there are at least a few bottles of booze on hand. I'm not saying you need enough to throw a rager but something to take the edge off of what could be a very stressful season is wise to have in stock.
One last time there's no need to hoard any of these items. I'm just suggesting you make sure you have a few extra days worth of each just in case. Good luck everyone and remember to wash your hands, don't touch your face, and wear a mask.