Has Buster Olney Ever Seen Anything Like The Mets?
There's been managers fighting with media, there's been front office power struggles, there's been rumors of managers being fired and I think a player has probably threatened a reporter before but have all those things happened on the same team in the same season? We ask ESPN MLB Insider Buster Olney if the New York Mets current situation is a first?
Buster as always approaches any and all stories with a calm and cool demeanor but even he seemed a little shocked by the Mets. He shared a great story of when Former Yankees' manager Joe Torre had words with him but that was done in private and was quickly resolved. So when Mickey Callaway lost his cool with a reporter in public that was alarming. Couple that with all the other issues and it's tough to see where the Mets can improve. Listen to Buster's full interview below.