Earlier today on Levack and Goz, our producer Matt Woods referenced a story involving a Turkish soccer club. The story involved the club paying for a transfer using bitcoin. If you have listened to the show the past month, you may remember that I invested in bitcoin towards the end of 2017. I have tried my best to convince Levack, Woods and everyone else at the station to invest in the currency of the future. During the segment our pal Nick Goeman of 99.1 Sioux Falls overheard the conversation and had to offer his advice. Goeman's father is "allegedly" finical advisor in South Dakota and says no to bitcoin. However host Jeff "JT" Thurn offers a complete different amount of advice for the currency of the future. Who's side are you on? Team Bitcoin or Team No Bitcoin? Let us know below. Don't forget you can follow Levack and Goz all week long on @1045TheTeam and Facebook.com/1045theteam


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