This Terrifying Looking Spider is the Largest in New York
Just when I thought I had enough nightmare fuel... this guy came crawling into my life.
New York state is full of fascinating creatures. From elusive predators like fishers and martens to adorable beavers and even mating skunks, there seems to be a critter around every corner. One animal, however, can stay hidden forever.
The Biggest Spider in New York State
For most of us, spiders hold a special fascination. Whether you find them gross or amazing, there's no such thing as "not caring" about an animal with an exoskeleton and eight legs crawling in your general vicinity. While most are small enough to hide in tight spaces, one New York arachnid borders on enormous.
The Dark Fishing Spider in New York
The Dark Fishing Spider, an arachnid that many New Yorkers may have never even heard of, holds the title for the largest spider in the state. Measuring upwards of 4.5 inches, this mighty specimen is big enough to creep out even the toughest character. Here's where you can find them.
Where to Find Dark Fisher Spiders in New York
Even though the spider has "fisher" in the name, these behemoths are actually most likely to be found in the woods (and even cabins in the woods). While they might be the last thing you want to see in the middle of the night in the middle of the woods, the good news is that not only do they eat pests like bugs, but these spiders are quite docile (below).
Are Dark Fisher Spiders Dangerous?
As nature enthusiast Andrew Hoffman explains above, even putting a hand near a dark fisher spider isn't enough to provoke a bite. While non-aggressive, these spiders may react if attacked. Luckily, experts compare the bite to that of a wasp sting.

While spiders are most likely used to words like "scary" and "gross" being hurled their way, the truth is that they are a very important part of our ecosystem. While nearly every creepy-crawly animal in New York is here to help, there are some species of both animals and plants that are doing the opposite. Check out which invasive species to watch out for below.
The 10 Most Invasive Animals & Insects in New York State
Gallery Credit: Will Phillips