Shop at New York Walmart For Groceries? They Could Owe You Money
Find out if Walmart owes you money for overcharging you on certain grocery items.
Like most of you I am always looking for the best possible value when it comes to buying the goods for my family. My kids are getting older and they are consuming a lot more these days, so the lower the groceries cost the more I can buy. Here in Upstate New York we have plenty of options, so I tend to spread my shopping out throughout many stores.
Walmart has been a good option for me when it comes to saving, but it turns out you may not have been saving as much as you thought at the retail giant.
I was surprised to find out that Walmart may have been overcharging shoppers on certain food items and now they could owe all of us a lot of money. If you shopped there between October 18, 2019 and January 19, 2024 make sure to check the list of food items.
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What Items Were Over Priced?
The items in question seem to be those associated with weight. In the official lawsuit/claim that has been filed there are a number of goods that were marked one price, and charged a completely different one because they were not properly weighed.
Here you can find an entire list of bagged citrus items people were charged more for when the weight did not match. Here you will find a full list of meat products that said they weighed more than they actually did.
How You Can Get Your Money
If you believe you may have been overcharged you can file a claim and get up to $500 back from Walmart - just be sure you have your old receipts to for a chance at a max payout. Even those without receipts could file a claim for a smaller chunk of the $45 million class-action settlement.
File your claim here and see if maybe you got ripped off in the great weight heist.
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