One look at Moqut Ruffins and you can't help but notice he's built like a Football Lineman. Ruffins is a BIG man. A stand out defensive lineman at the University of Louisiana Tech and now one of the best offensive lineman in the Arena Football League. The secret that's not so secret anymore is Ruffins can also catch touchdowns. In a game against the Washington Valor Ruffins looked way more like a Tight End than an Offensive Lineman. Ruffins caught an 8 yard touchdown from QB Tommy Grady.

When I first met Ruffins in the off season Empire defensive lineman Joe Sykes warned me that Ruffins was more then just a blocker. Sykes told me and Goz to watch out because Ruffnis was the best Tight End in the AFL. Ruffins laughed off the praise but clearly he's got skills. Will Ruffins get more chances to score touchdowns or now that every media outlet is praising him is the secret out and he'll be better covered moving forward?

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