
Pro Bowl Interest?
Pro Bowl Interest?
Pro Bowl Interest?
It's obvious that the least meaningful of all the "all-star" style games is the NFL's Pro Bowl. It's always been a game of meaningless proportions. There's nothing like watching a bunch of overpaid athletes on a free vacation go half-speed in a sport they pour their lives into throughout the year...
No More Pro Bowl-Bruce’s Thought Of The Day
No More Pro Bowl-Bruce’s Thought Of The Day
No More Pro Bowl-Bruce’s Thought Of The Day
Wow talk about a kick to the stomach. A slap in the head. A foot to the groin. Man am I bummed about the NFL doing away with the pro Bowl. Yeah like I will miss tax day. Like not at all. Wow Roger Goodell, the dictator of the NFL must have really hated this worthless game, as the dictator is about to be done with, this according to ESPN's Chris Mortenson...

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