As ESPN continues to tie themselves as closely as possible to World Wrestling Entertainment, it's only right that the World Wide Leader features the wrestling legend, Ric Flair, in a 30 for 30 documentary. In the last year alone ESPN has tied in a WWE link on their homepage, featured a wrestler per week on SportsCenter, and broadcast live from Wrestlemania...
The San Francisco 49ers had WWE star Ric Flair give a pep talk at the team hotel the night before they took on the Packers.
PODCAST: NFL Network's Ian Rapoport reports Flair's speech on 104.5 The Team
After a game-winning field goal with no time left on the clock, the 49ers celebrated and undoubtedly let out a few "Wooos"...
It's no secret that I am a fan of professional wrestling - yes, I'm talking about the stuff you see on television with guys flying around in colorful tights with bright lights and big stages. However, it's not very often you see a network TV show be allowed to go behind the scenes and have an inside look at the personal life of these "larger than life" superstars.
Everyday here at The Team, when Brian Noe and myself see each other in the hallway we don't say the normal hello gretting or anything like that. We greet each other with a Ric Flair style WOOOOOOOO!