Here's a list containing 17 of the most mispronounced places in the Capital Region and Upstate New York. Did your hometown make it on here? Are we saying it right?
A herd of 75 bison that escaped a farm in Sharon, NY are roaming throughout rural upstate and wreaking havoc on farms. The herd escaped last Thursday and folks in pockets of areas in Schoharie County have reported sightings of groups of the large, powerful and at times unpredictable animals. Those trying to bring in the bison seem baffled and befuddled by the bearded beasts, making the capture qu
February's Hometown Hero is an amazing young girl named Carly Waters from Schoharie. When Carly, 9, learned that both of her sisters deal with hearing loss, she decided to turn lemons into the sweetest way to raise money for kids dealing with the same problem. Carly's mom Marissa wrote in on behalf of her kind daughter. Read her story and hear the call that we made to Carly surprising her with
The first thing you need to know about this place is that it’s older than the United States of America. We’d be shocked if it wasn’t haunted.
Troopers in Scoharie County busted some poor guy for having pot. Yes, I have lots of respect for the cops, but really? Do they realize how much moonshine is made in Scoharie County? How many guys are on roofs with banjos, or close relatives booking wedding halls...