Holiday Travel Tips To Help You ‘Enjoy’ Albany International
Stop me if you've heard this before, but 2020 is a tough year and it provides challenges most of us have never encountered before. If you still find yourself traveling you'll need to take extra precautions. The TSA has released a list of tips to help you navigate holiday travel during the COVID-19 pandemic and I have added some tips of my own to hopefully make the old cliche of "Half the fun is getting there" true.
TSA: Arrive early due to enhanced screening and don't assume there will be fewer travelers than years past.
Levack: Definitely get to Albany International early! It's the only place in the Capital Region you can get Chic-Fil-A (unless you're flying on a Sunday then just do what the TSA said)
TSA: Wear your mask at all times unless asked by a TSA official to adjust it for ID or screening purposes.
TSA: Maintain social distancing of six feet whenever possible.
Levack: Remember that lines aren't as long as they look right now due to social distancing. Keep calm and travel on.
TSA: Travlers and TSA agents are asked to maintain good hygiene such as washing hands and using hand sanitizer. TSA agents are required to change their gloves between each pat-down and upon request of the traveler.
TSA guidelinesFor the full list of TSA recommendations and guidelines click HERE.