These Five Tips Could Save Your Life, Says Albany Weather Service
It's summertime in the Capital Region, and with the warmer weather, comes summer storms.
It's a fact of life, and a common occurrence in the Northeast. One minute, you'll be outside on a beautiful day, and moments later, dark clouds will begin to form, and you'll be bracing yourself for a thunderstorm. They happen all the time as the weather changes, but, it's always important to be prepared whenever these storms do show up.
When lightning begins to strike, are you prepared to deal with it?
As part of their Lightning Safety Awareness Week, Albany's National Weather Service branch sent out a tweet, breaking down a number of safety tips that help to protect against being struck by lightning.
The tips that NWS Albany included all relate to common household activities, and things that most people will do on a daily or weekly basis. Common daily activities like using a phone, taking a shower and even approaching a window are all impacted when lightning is in the area.
Yes, most people who read this list are probably aware that these activities aren't good ideas during an electrical storm. That said, it's always important to refresh yourself, and more importantly, your family, on how to stay safe in any situation when the weather gets warm. The Northeast can bring about some wild weather, and the better prepared that you and your family are, the safer you'll be when the time comes.
So, with that said, here are five steps to follow when lightning strikes the Capital Region that, if followed properly, will keep you and your family safe ride out a storm inside your house.