Will We See Tiger Woods Win Another Golf Major?
Each Monday at 4:00 p.m. Levack and I recap the weekend in a segment called "Monday Mirages." Does this team, player, performance having lasting power, or is it just a one-week mirage? This week's Monday Mirages were back to their regular time as Levack and Goz were broadcasting before New York Yankees baseball. Tiger Woods led on Sunday at this year's Open Championship. Could we actually see Tiger Woods win a major championship again in his career? The Albany Empire season has come to an end after a loss to the Washington Valor. Would you still consider the first season of the Albany Empire a success? Plus is it time to start blaming Mickey Callaway for some of the dysfunction within the New York Mets organization? What is real and what is just a mirage for the future? Let us know below. To hear this week's version, click on the link below later today.