“Fire Breathing Demon” Dog Up For Adoption In Upstate New York
We all deserve a second chance, right? Well, when it comes to animal shelters, most find multiple reasons that people would want to adopt one of their many deserving animals. Sometimes they can't. This story is a perfect reason why you should believe the fine people who work so hard in these shelters to find these animals new homes.
In a Facebook post made last week by the Niagara SPCA, they featured a dog named "Ralphie." Now, most of the time, when you read these adoption posts, you learn about about things about the animal, like how lovable, cute and good with kids or other pets. When the pet's description includes the words "fire breathing demon," well, we know we have something special.
The Niagara SPCA post reads, "Meet Ralphie. At first glance, he's an adorable highly sought after, young dog. People should be banging down our doors for him. We promise you, that won't be the case. Ralphie is a terror in a somewhat small package. What could go wrong with a 26lb dog, right?"
Now, at first glance, I thought they may be kidding. Then I read how Ralphie developed into a terror on paws. "His first owners took him to board and train, but their relationship was built on the premise that Ralphie was the boss so things ended abruptly. He was rehomed. Two weeks into this new home and he was surrendered to us because "annoys our older dog". What they actually meant was: Ralphie is a fire-breathing demon and will eat our dog, but hey, he's only 26lbs."
My favorite line in the description was, "The ideal home for Ralphie is the Mother of Dragons..." If you would like to consider giving Ralphie a chance, well the Facebook post is below. The Niagara SPCA finished the adoption post for Ralphie enthusiasts, "Serious inquiries only. No, we will not make exceptions. No takesy backsies (kidding, obviously).Give us a call at 716-731-4368 ext 301 if you're that crazy." Best of luck to Ralphie and his new home.