How You Should Remember This Kentucky Team
Kentucky was 38-0 before suffering a Final Four loss to Wisconsin on Saturday night. A loss that ended the Wildcats' season.
They were on track to being one of the most accomplished teams of all time, completing a perfect season and winning a national title.
But they didn't. And a result, they will be forgotten by and large. But if you want to remember the 2014-15 Wildcats, how should you remember them?
RJ Bell of said a pro bettor in Vegas told him that 'no less than 20 teams" in NCAA history would have been favored over this Kentucky team, including the 2012 Wildcats that won the title.
So don't get fooled into thinking that this was a dynasty team. This team was very good, but it wasn't the best we've ever seen. Remember it as such.
This team didn't start five freshman, despite the fact that we often like to label Kentucky the "One-and-done" Kings. Thus, this team wasn't as electrifying or as polarizing as the "Fab Five" of Michigan.
You shouldn't hate this team either. This Kentucky team, except for Andrew Harrison's unfortunate comment about Frank Kaminsky, wasn't unlikable. They were generally quiet. They pushed their egos aside. They sacrificed for the good of the team. They had personalities that meshed together. They weren't thugs. They weren't bad guys. They were a group of good players, and good guys, who just came up short.
You may hate John Calipari, and you'd have reason to, but he'll be at Kentucky next year (presumably). You can hate him singularly, but don't attach your hate of him to this team. That wouldn't be right, either.
This Kentucky team will likely send a good portion of its lineup to the NBA, and will break up. If everybody came back, this team could have a legacy, but it won't. This will just be a one-hit wonder.
And like most one-hit wonders, we won't remember much.