‘Drive Me Crazy': New York is Going to Gouge Drivers Who Use the Thruway
For the first time in more than a decade, it's going to cost more to drive on the New York Thruway, no matter where in the state you're headed to.
A system-wide increase is expected to be implemented in the near future, something that hasn't happened since 2010. Different areas, and different drivers, will be impacted more severely than others, but all passengers on the Thruway will see a hike in their tolls.
NY State Thruway Authority Announces Increases in Tolls Statewide
A story from New York Upstate detailed new plans from the New York State Thruway Authority to increase tolls for Thruway drivers across the state. The plan still needs to be approved in a vote that will happen on Monday, December 5th.
If approved, it will go into effect on January 1, 2024.
The major key in this change would be a 5% increase on tolls for NY E-ZPass customers, the first increase to that group of drivers since 2020. That increase would be small compared to what's planned for non-E-Z Pass drivers. Those who still use the Tolls By Mail system would see an increase to 75% more than what E-Z Pass drivers will pay.
There are certain outliers on both ends of the spectrum of these changes. Certain areas, like the Gov. Mario Cuomo Bridge, will see more dramatic increases, with the toll for that bridge growing by 50 cents annually starting in 2024. That said, there will be discounts available to commuters who will be travelling regularly, making life a bit easier for those on the Thruway often.
Those are the major details for what will prove to be a major shake-up to the travel experience for those on the New York Thruway.
To be fair, at most, it will only cost drivers cents-on-the-dollar more to drive the same distances that they have been in the past, but those totals will add up quickly. Couple the increase in tolls with the skyrocketing gas prices, and the cost of labor and parts to keep a car running smoothly, and the total bill for a road trip through New York will quickly become too rich for most people's blood.
Suddenly, a ride with an E-Z Pass is becoming less and less easy to stomach.