Sittin’ Sportside Sunday: Forty Fore? Window Open for More Celebrity Golf
Well Sittin' Sportside Sunday goes on and we are getting close to more live sports. On the show we talked about the Match 2 and how this may open the door for a golf event I would pay a lot to see. Also when and how will the big 3 leagues come back and a Yankee is ready to go. Lastly there is something that a minor league franchise is doing that I love so much and wish the ValleyCats would get in on! Listen below and follow me on Twitter @EricH1045 !
The Match 2 Could lead to more of events like this!
It depends on the success of the Match 2 but I really think that we could see more cool celebrity golf events that could include guys who can play from Hollywood, other athletes or even famous politicians who have been known to hit the links! My ideal scenario matchup is in the above clip!
Planning Major Sports Leagues Return!
This Yankee is Ready to Go!
Trip to Pensacola anyone?