Who Wins This Year’s Royal Rumble?
One of the WWE's pay per view events, the Royal Rumble takes place this Sunday night. Below are the picks from WWE fans Goz (from Levack and Goz) and Vinnie who some may know as "Traffic Guy Vinnie" from the Levack and Goz show.
Goz Picks
Men's Rumble Baron Corbin
I'm going to go with a scenario that will get WWE fans all worked up and that's the "King" Baron Corbin winning the Rumble. Think about what Corbin has already accomplished in his career. US Champion, Money in the Bank Winner. King of the Ring. Andre The Giant Battle Royal winner. Baron Corbin is truly the HATED heel in WWE. Let's see a Corbin vs Wyatt match for the WWE Universal Championship.
Women's Rumble Ronda Rousey
Where has Ronda been? Seriously I know she went on a "Impregnation Vacation" last spring? Is she pregnant? Here's how I would LOVE to see the Rumble finish go...Two participants are left in the ring before #30 enters. Both competitors flip over the top rope making the #30 entry the automatic winner of the Rumble. #30's music hits and its' Bad Reputation by Joan Jett. WWE fans BOO the world out of Ronda. (A second heel of the night winning the Rumble) setting up the Ronda vs Becky rematch at Wrestlemania.
Traffic Guy Vinnie Picks
The 2020 Royal Rumble is live from Houston, Texas this Sunday January 26th. You can watch this year' Royal Rumble starting at 7pm on the WWE Network which you can download here
What wrestler do you believe will win the women's Royal Rumble? Who will win the men's Royal Rumble? Let us know below.