Is It Cheating? We Ask Buster Olney [AUDIO]
Every week ESPN MLB Insider Buster Olney joins us thanks to our great friends at Tech East Fire and Water Restoration. This week there is plenty of controversy to go around in the world of Major League Baseball. Buster ways in on all of it.
Buster weighs in right out of the gate on Pine Tar and video surveillance in MLB. Spoiler alert he supports one and hates the other. The Pine tar issue simply needs to be legislated while the sign stealing is situation leads to a larger conversation about paranoia throughout all of baseball where players and organizations fear all the ways other teams are using technology to cheat and attempt to gain an unfair advantage.
I also asked Buster where he thinks Manny Machado would be playing baseball next year and is he a dirty player? You already know that Buster never hides from the tough questions and gives his opinion on both.