Who Wants A Flying Car? [VIDEO]
They finally did It! There's a FLYING CAR! In the above video the "car" has pontoons for water use but report of wheels on other models are out there. Basically it appears to be a manned drone. I want one BAD. Here's the deal, no word on a price yet but if you put $100 down they'll give you $2000 off. I'm going to wait but here's what the companies YouTube page says:
The Kitty Hawk Flyer is a new, all-electric aircraft. It is safe, tested and legal to operate in the United States in uncongested areas under the Ultralight category of FAA regulations. We’ve designed our first version specifically to fly over water. You don’t need a pilot’s license and you’ll learn to fly it in minutes. To learn more, visit https://kittyhawk.aero/.
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