Things are not looking so positive right now for Yankee third baseman Alex Rodriguez.  According to ESPN, he could be under investigation by the MLB for his participation in an illegal underground poker game.


Right now MLB is looking into allegations that A-Rod took part in several illegal poker games, and according to sources they are taking the allegations very seriously.

One report says that one of the games actually turned violent and another one had very open drug use, but it's doubtful that A-Rod took part in any drug use. Star Magazine was the first one to break the story and apparently Rodriguez tried to distance himself from the games once the violence broke out.

This isn't the first time that A-Rod is in trouble for this sort of thing.  Back in 2005 A-Rod was warned about participating in underground poker games by not only the Yankees but also by MLB commissioner Bud Selig.  However investigators place A-Rod at these illegal poker games as far back as 2007.  MLB is concerned that Rodriguez is just blatantly ignoring the warnings givent o him, and if his name does come up in the investigation he could face a suspension.

Right now A-Rod is on the disabled list recovering from knee surgery.  He is expected to rejoin the Yankees in late August, but this investigation could put things on hold.

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