Is This Astros Series Important For the 2018 Yankees’ Future?
Each Monday at 4:00 p.m. Levack and I recap the weekend in a segment called "Monday Mirages." Does this team, player, performance having lasting power, or is it just a one-week mirage? This week's Monday Mirages was a special edition as Goz hosted with producer Eric Hannamann on the Memorial Day edition of Big Board Sports.
This week we focused on the New York Yankees upcoming series with the defending World Series champion Houston Astros. How important is this series in evaluating the decisions of what may have to this Yankee roster later this season? Are you more excited for this year's NHL Stanley Cup Finals or the NBA Finals? Plus did Eric, the super fan of the television show Survivor, believe this season was a "good season? How would you rank Eric's debut performance in the weekly game? What is real and what is just a mirage for the future? Let us know below. To hear this week's version, click on the link below later this afternoon.