New York Isn’t For Everyone…Just Ask the Mets Fans
Oh, the parade of disappointment that has worn the blue and orange at Shea Stadium and Citi Field in Flushing, New York. Jason Bay, Vince Coleman, Brett Saberhagen, Carlos Baerga, Robbie Alomar, Jr.(a Hall of Famer no less) and a healthy list of other baseball superstars that came to the New York Mets and stunk. You wonder why Mets fans are booing their newest $341 million dollar man? They have a track record of All Stars that have come to Queens and fallen apart. They are sick of it.
Met fans aren't just sick of their stars coming to New York and stinking worse than low tide in nearby Jamaica Bay, they are sick of the collapses. They are sick of the blunders with their front office. Former General Manager Jared Porter wasn't the first Mets front office leader to be involved in inappropriate behavior, see Steve Phillips even before his ESPN Sex Scandal.

Met fans are sick of collapses. Yes, the Mets had a four game lead in late July. Yes, they have only won 6 of the 23 games that they have played so far in August. The problem is, this isn't the first collapse. The Mets endured a horrific collapse in 2007, leading the National League East by 7 games with only 17 games to play and yes, they blew that lead too. The next year in '08 it was more of the same, costing Willie Randolph his job in one of those front office blunders that made the Wilpon's legendarily bad owners.
Recently, new owner Steve Cohen took to twitter to question his new employees. Interim GM, after Porter was ousted, Zach Scott decided he wanted to get in on hammering the players and manager Luis Rojas joined the party a few days later. Less than 9 months after taking ownership of the Mets, Mr. Cohen has created a toxic atmosphere of his own in Flushing. Management blaming players is never a formula for success in Major League Baseball.
Hopefully, this is all just a hangover from the disastrous duo of Fred and Jeff Wilpon's reign. If it's not, it's just more of the same for Mets fans, players that can't handle the Big Apple. So, you wonder why Lindor is getting booed? Well, there you go.
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