Robert Kraft Just Testified at Aaron Hernandez Trial [VIDEO]
In a surreal scene, Patriots owner Robert Kraft took the stand Tuesday morning in the Aaron Hernandez murder trial, stating that Hernandez denied any involvement in the Odin Lloyd murder.
"I understood there was an incident that had transpired and I wanted to know whether he was involved and where he was," said Kraft. "Every player who comes into our system, I consider part of our extended family and I wanted to get him help."
Kraft confirmed that he had pulled Hernandez aside and had this private conversation with him, when he heard news of the murder in Massachusetts and had inclination to believe that Hernandez possibly had involvement.
"He said that he was not involved, that he was innocent and that he hoped that the time of the murder incident came out because I believe he said that he was in a club."
At one time in the past, Kraft had referred to Hernandez as, "a good guy". Obviously, Kraft and the Patriots were fooled like everyone else.