The New York Mets have very quickly here gone from bad to worse.  They are more than ten games below .500 and with the guys on their roster that is absolutely no excuse to be this bad.  Now you have things boiling over with relief pitcher Jorge Lopez throwing his glove into the stands and saying things postgame along the lines of he's the worst teammate in all of Major League Baseball or that he's on the worst team and organization in all of the MLB.  Internally there are some clear issues and to make matters even worse Edwin Diaz was placed on the fifteen day injured list.  Below is my quick take on this as seen in The Times Union:

Mets fans will be frustrated all season long with the roller roster ride this team will be on. Some good stretches coupled with some bad ones but always within striking distance of a wild card berth for the postseason. The starting pitching has been good at times but nowhere we’re it needs to be. Some good young talent is the future the Mets are building for but in the meantime keep things even keel.

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There are still 100 games or so left so there is a long way to go but the Mets have really dug themselves a big hole with this poor start.  The pressure is on the front office and manager Carlos Mendoza to step up and give the fans a better team and more of a winning product.  The Mets better turn this around quickly because this thing is sinking and sinking fast.

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