The Baltimore Orioles are a way better team than the New York Yankees.  They have won five of the first seven matchups so far this season and they will only play each other six more times.  Luis Gil has been a major bright spot and before Thursday afternoon was statistically the best in the American League.  That all changed when he got lit up.  But no need to panic yet for Yankee fans as it still is early.  Below is my quick take on this as seen in The Times Union:

Luis Gil was awful on Thursday and didn’t last two innings against Baltimore after giving up 7 runs to a very good Orioles hitting team. Can’t make the mistakes Gil made and get away it against the O’s. Didn’t help that Juan Soto looked lost in right field when he badly misplayed a double off the bat of Gunner Henderson to start the game. Nobody expected Gil to be this good this season, but the tide can change very quickly. The Yankees are hoping it’s just one bad game. And just for the record talking about winning the Cy-Young in June is never a good idea for any pitcher in the game.

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The Yankees are fine but their bullpen is a weakness.  Clay Holmes has not been good and neither have several of their middle inning relievers.  It's not even the all star break yet and they still have Juan Soto and Aaron Judge.  Gil will bounce back and make much better starts.  The Orioles and Yankees will battle all summer in the AL East.

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